Friday, March 29, 2019

Collaborating with 9Ay

Recently, 9Ay have been learning about sundials in maths with Mr Rees. 9Ay came to visit 7/8Tz to share some of their learning.

A sundial is a tool that uses the sun to help tell the time. It consists of two main components - the flat plate and the gnomon. When the sun shines onto a sundial the gnomon (the part that sticks up) casts a shadow. This shadow will fall somewhere on the flat plate and using the numbers on the flat plate, we can tell the time.

Check out these awesome sundials made by students in 9Ay:

We loved collaborating with 9Ay and look forward to sharing more learning with them.


  1. Kiaora 7/8 TZ,

    It is great that you have some fantastic people to share learning with. It looks like you were all really interested in what they had done with their sundials. They do look awesome! There are some really creative ones. I know that many years ago sundials were necessary in order to tell the time but I am wondering if you think they are as necessary today? What do you think? Keep up the great blogs, I look forward to seeing some more of your wonderful work.

    Angela Taylor
    Rimu Class Teacher
    Yaldhurst Model School

  2. Tuhinga mahi!
    Kia Ora 7/8Tz!
    My name is Maddie I am a year 7 and I go to YMS.
    I love his post and I also love how you guys shared your learning with 9Ay. I think that it is very important to share your learning with others digital and in person, thatch why I really enjoy Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu! I think that you guys look like your having an amazing time! did you face any challenges? Let Me Know!

    Maddie from YMS.

  3. Kia Ora
    My name is Chloe I am a year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I loved how you guys have shared your lovely work.
    I love how they are all detailed and colourful its very pretty.
    It looks awesome you guys did awesome job. Was it hard?

    Kind Regards

  4. Hello, Hornby High School my name is Jacob from Yaldhurst Model School I am a year 8 I really like your blog post. About collaborating with 9Ay you should add like a video so we can see it. Bus keep up the good work.

    Kind Regards Jacob.

  5. Hi ,
    I'm a year 7 student from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I really enjoyed your blog post today.
    I love how you shared your 9Ay
    That artwork as well is really good,
    How long did it take to do this?
    Was it fun?

    Kind regards,

  6. Hello my name is Shay and im year 7 at yaldhurst model school. I like how you have explained what you are doing and how. also how creative all of yous are. I enjoy looking at things with pictures like this blog post. This looks fun and very interesting. Did you all have fun.? maybe next time you could add less pictures and more writing. but other than that you have made a great blog post. bye

  7. Hi there 7/8 Tz! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. Wow! Lovely sundials, very creative and obviously made with lot's of passion. Most of these sundials are very eye catching and interesting.

    This reminds me of the time were I was looking around on the web and I found different ways to show the time (or to figure out how much time it has been), sundials included.

    To improve your post (although it's very good already) I would love for you to present this in a interesting way, that is if you have time obviously, some suggestions from me would be, Bitable, Visme, Piktochart and a whole lot more.

    How long did it take for you to make these?
    Awesome blog!

  8. Hi Year 7/8. I'm Mikael from yaldhurst school. I really like how you have takil lots of photos about what you have been doing. Next time I think you should try to say what you have been doing a pit more clearly because I don't really understand it.

  9. Hi. Iḿ Miakel from Yaldhurst School. I really like how you have lots of cool clear photos of what you have doen. I really like it. I wish my class did it. Next time I think you should try to make the font a bit easier to read. Apart from that it is good.

  10. Ki Ora, my name is Parwin and I am a year 8 from Yaldhurst Model School!

    I really liked some of the sand Dials that you have made, especially the rainbow one and the dragon one but they were all very creative.

    This reminds me of when we did something like this at my old school which was really fun and creative. This also reminds me of when at woodwork, I made a clock last year but my sisters broke one of the hands.

    I think that to improve, you could add some more info about the process so if the others wanted to do something that, then they could make it as well by following the steps.

    What did you find challenging?

    Awesome work!

    Looking forward to your next posts,

  11. kia ora 7/8tz.Brayden yaldhurst school.
    I liked the way you made sundiles.I did not know what sundiles till now.You taught me how to make a sundile.I noticed that you had a dragon that is cool.Was that a chinese dragon.
    kind regards
    brayden yaldhurst school


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